Moraine Valley offers associate degree and certificate programs designed to meet the needs of students who intend to Transfer and earn a bachelor’s degree or who desire to enter the workforce upon graduation. The college’s academic programs prepare students for the fastest growing jobs in Cook County, the greater Chicago area and the nation. Moraine Valley also offers college readiness and developmental education courses as well as a variety of noncredit offerings for personal or professional enrichment.
学院的院系, programs and current degree and certificate options are listed below in alphabetical order.
Moraine Valley offers more than 130 programs in a variety of subject areas.
Transfer degree programs include core general education courses and major specific electives. You can complete the first two years of study for Transfer into virtually any bachelor's degree program.
Career degree programs provide career-specific coursework. You can complete these programs and immediately enter the workforce.
证书 programs provide specialized courses to quickly enhance knowledge. You can complete 一个证书 to advance your career in a specific area of study.
Every college program falls within a department. 部门 are organized by like subject areas.
探索各种课程, 度, and certificates that can be completed fully online or mostly online with some in-person class time, labs or tests that require trips to campus.
- 会计助理/文员: 证书
- 成瘾研究: A.A.S., 证书
- 加法制造 Specialist: 证书
- 行政管理专业: 证书
- Advanced Air Conditioning Technician: 证书
- Advanced Supply Chain Management: 证书
- 成人基础教育: 部门
- American 手语翻译: 证书, 部门
- 建筑CAD: 证书
- 艺术与设计: A.F.A., A.A., A.A.S., 数字艺术与设计, 数字设计, 部门
- 美国手语聋人研究: 证书
- Associate Database Administrator: 证书
- AutoCAD专家: 证书
- 欧特克发明专家: 证书
- Automation and 工程 技术: A.A.S, 加法制造, 建筑CAD, AutoCAD专家, 欧特克发明专家, Mechanical Drafting Associate
- 汽车技术: A.A.S., Automotive Climate Control Tech, 汽车服务顾问, Automotive Service Technician, 刹车和底盘技术员, 动力传动系统技术人员, Engine Drivability Technician, 部门
- c#程序员: 证书
- 大麻零售专员: 证书
- 化学: A.S.
- 思科网络助理: 证书
- Commercial Systems Service Technician : 证书
- Communications, Foreign Languages and Literature: 部门
- 计算机断层扫描: 证书
- Computer and Local Area Network Technician: A.A.S., 思科网络助理, 计算机支持助理, 计算机技术人员, 局域网技术人员, 微软的副, 网络管理员
- 计算机图形图像: A.A.S., 计算机图形学助理, 计算机图形设计师, Computer Graphics Professional, 计算机图形学硕士
- Computer Information and 办公技术: 部门, A.A.S., Associate Database Administrator, c#程序员, Graphics and Desktop Publishing, 服务台专家, Java程序员, 多媒体设计师, PHP程序员, 编程技能, 小型数据库管理员, 软件开发人员, 网站设计师, 网站开发人员
- Computer Integrated Technologies: 部门
- 计算机科学: A.S.
- 计算机支持助理: 证书
- 计算机技术人员: 证书
- Corporate, Community and Continuing 教育: 部门
- 刑事司法: A.A., A.A.S.
- 烹饪艺术管理: A.A.S., 证书
- 幼儿教育: A.A., A.A.S., 幼儿教育工作者, 学前和课后护理, 幼儿教育工作者 Level 2, 幼儿教育工作者 Level 3, 婴幼儿2级, 婴幼儿第3级
- 教育: A.A. , 部门
- 电气故障排除: 证书
- Electronic/Computer Controls Technician: A.A.S., Electronic Controls Technician, 电子技术人员
- 应急管理: 证书
- 紧急医疗服务: A.A.S., 证书
- 急救医疗技术员: 证书
- Employee Training and Development: 证书
- Engine Driveablility Technician: 证书
- 工程: A.E.S., 工程路径
- 英语: A.A.
- 英语作为第二语言: 成人基础教育
- 英语作为第二语言 (ESL) and Bilingual Educator: 证书
- HAC固定工程师: 证书
- Health 信息技术: A.A.S., 医疗编码专员, 医疗帐单
- 健康科学: 部门
- 供暖和空调: 证书, Advanced Air Conditioning Tech, Basic Air Conditioning Technician, Commercial Systems Services Tech, 电气故障排除
- 服务台专家: 证书
- 高中同等学历 : 成人基础教育
- 历史: A.A.
- 国土安全: 证书
- 人力资源管理: A.A.S., Employee Training and Development
- 个性化的焊接: 证书
- Industrial Controls Technician: 证书
- Industrial Maintenance Technician: 证书
- 婴幼儿教育工作者: 婴幼儿2级, 婴幼儿第3级
- 信息技术: A.S.
- Integrated Systems 技术: A.A.S., 流体动力技术员, Industrial Controls Technician, Industrial Maintenance Technician, 生产实习, 机械驱动技术员, 工厂工程机械师, PLC技术人员
- 强化英语: 部门
- Intro to Supply Chain Management: 证书
- IT安全专员: A.A.S., 网络安全助理, 网络安全专家
- Java程序员: 证书
- 乳房x光检查技术: 证书
- 生产实习: 证书
- 市场营销与管理: A.A.S., 零售管理
- 大众传媒: A.A.
- 数学: A.S., 部门
- Mechanical and Fluid Power Maintenance: 证书
- 机械设计技术: 建筑CAD, AutoCAD专家, 欧特克发明专家, Mechanical Drafting Associate
- Mechanical Drafting Associate: 证书
- 机械驱动技术员: 证书
- 机械技术: 部门
- 医疗助理: 证书
- 医疗帐单: 证书
- 医疗编码专员: 证书
- 医疗办公室专业人员: 证书
- 微软的副: 证书
- Microsoft Office专员: 证书
- 多媒体设计师: 证书
- 多进程焊接: 证书
- 音乐: A.F.A.
- 网站设计师 and Developer: 网站设计师, 网站开发人员
- 焊接: 焊接-Advanced, 焊接-Combination, 个性化的焊接, 多进程焊接, 管道焊接, 保护金属电弧焊